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== Send Data ==
== Send Data ==
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<div style="margin-left:0.847cm;margin-right:0cm;">
This example is demonstrated how we could send data from mote to gateway. The user
needs to run two programs synchronously that one is on WISE-1540 and the other is on
gateway. In example it communicates with gateway using API in “mote_api.h” that can
found located at folder “inc\wsn\sm_ipmt” of source tree of WISE-1540 SDK.
The API has been implemented based on SmartMesh IP Mote API Guide and
the user can refer to it for getting detailed if needed.
== Exchange Data with Sensor Format ==
== Exchange Data with Sensor Format ==
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<div style="margin-left:0.847cm;margin-right:0cm;"></div>
= Appendix =
= Appendix =

Revision as of 05:47, 29 August 2017


This document is description about WISE-1540 software development kit (SDK). It includes source tree of SDK, development environment, flash programming…etc. There are some examples provided by WISE-1540 SDK the user can refer to it for how to do about connection to WISE-PaaS, communication between mote and gateway…etc., and also can refer to it for developing their application.


  • Gateway
The gateway like WISE-3310 has connectivity with SmartMesh IP manager responsible for communication with WISE-1540.

  • Mote
The mote is WISE-1540 that has connectivity with SmartMesh IP mote responsible for communication with gateway.

WISE-1540 Software Development Kit (SDK)

Source Tree

The user can find source tree as below from xxx.

Directory Description
doc/ Documents about WISE-1540 SDK.
inc/ Header files including examples, sensor driver and etc.
lib/ Library.
src/ Source files including examples, sensor driver and etc.

Setup Development Environment

Preparing for Hardware

The user needs to prepare for hardware as following:
  • For mote, WISE-1540, WISE-1500 and WISE-ED20 or WISE-ED22.
  • For gateway, WISE-3310.
  • PC running LINUX operating systems such as Ubuntu 16.04.1.

Please refer to the following steps for setup a WISE series of boards before using WISE-1540 SDK.

Step01: Please prepare boards as below.
WISE1520 SDK HW 04-6.png



SW2 on WISE-ED20

  • Please check pin1 and pin2 to “ON” as default.
  • Switch pin1 to “ON”: flash programming, “OFF”: boot from flash.

CN2 on WISE-1500

  • Booting into the mode of network connection when both 3.3V and GPIO0 are opened.
  • Booting into the mode of console of API when both 3.3V and GPIO0 are shorted.

SW3 on WISE-1500

  • Please check pin1 and pin2 to “OFF” as default.
  • Switch pin2 to decide whether running “backup to default” while device booting. “ON”: enabled, “OFF”: disabled.

One reset button on WISE-1500 and the other on WISE-ED20

Micro USB connector

  • Power supplies for UART3 debug port.

Com port

  • No supported.

Setting for Connectivity

WISE-1540 is designed in connectivity for wireless IoT communication with Linear Dust SmartMesh IP wireless sensor networks. The Linear Dust networks support a self-forming and self-healing mesh network solution complaint to 6LoWPAN Internet Protocol (IP) and IEEE802.15.4e standard. Before using WISE-1540 SDK, the user needs to check or set some parameters through the console for API.

Console for API

Information and Parameters Setting

The user needs to double check connectivity setting the same as below table with SmartMesh IP networks before using WISE-1540 SDK:

Parameter​ Expected Setting
Network ID 2001 (The same as manager on WISE-3310)
Join Key 4A4F494E414456414E54454348494F54 (The same as manager on WISE-3310)
Auto Join On

ARM mbed

The ARM mbed is IoT device platform and it has a lot of resources for IoT development. We supported ARM mbed OS on WISE-1540 to make user easily to get started and obtain great benefit from ARM mbed.

mbed CLI

The mbed CLI is command-line tool. The user needs to setup CLI for WISE-1540 SDK. Please refer to below link for information about how to setup CLI.

Flash Programming

For flash programming, the user can do it through WISE-ED22 or WISE-ED20 with different programming tool. Please refer to the following steps for flash programming.

Programming through WISE-ED22

Please refer to WISE-ED22 for flash programming.

Programming through WISE-ED20

Running Flash Loader Installer

Step01: Find installer flash_loader_demo_v2.9.0RC1.exe” in source tree, run it to install tool and set installation directory to default as below.

Wise1540 rogramming through ed20 01.png

Step02: Installation process.

Wise1540 programming through ed20 02.png

Step03: Finish installation.

Wise1540 programming through ed20 03.png


Step01 Set into programming mode.

Please check pin1 of SW2 to “ON” on WISE-ED20 for flash programming.

WISE1520 SDK HW Siwtch wiseed30 programming mode.png

Step02: Launch Flash Loader and select Port name "COMx" detected from your PC.

Wise1540 programming through ed20 04.png

Step03: Check device if get response from it.

Wise1540 programming through ed20 05.png

Step04: Select target as below for programming.

Wise1540 programming through ed20 06.png

Step05: Enable option "Global Erase" and programming for binary from the path you specified.

Wise1540 programming through ed20 07.png

Step06: Programming in progress.

Wise1540 programming through ed20 08.png

Step07: Check the process of programming is done and successful.

Wise1540 programming through ed20 09.png

Step08 Set into boot mode.
Please check pin1 of SW2 to “OFF” on WISE-ED20.

WISE1520 SDK HW Siwtch wiseed30 programming mode.png

Step09: Boot from flash.
Press reset button and you can see snapshot like as below.

Wise1540 programming through ed20 10.png


There are two examples in WISE-1540 SDK. One is “Send Data” the user can refer to it for how to use connectivity to send data from mote to gateway. The other is “Exchange Data with Sensor Format” the user can refer to it for how to add sensor in mote and send data accessed from sensor to WISE-PaaS through mote and gateway.

Compile example

Send Data

This example is demonstrated how we could send data from mote to gateway. The user needs to run two programs synchronously that one is on WISE-1540 and the other is on gateway. In example it communicates with gateway using API in “mote_api.h” that can found located at folder “inc\wsn\sm_ipmt” of source tree of WISE-1540 SDK. The API has been implemented based on SmartMesh IP Mote API Guide and the user can refer to it for getting detailed if needed.

Exchange Data with Sensor Format
