WISE-ED22 User Manual

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ED22 Functions

There are three interfaces that ED22 board provides. These are drag-n-drop programming, a serial port and debugging support. In addition ED22 board firmware can be updated using the drag-n-drop programming interface of the bootloader.


Download latest driver

H/W Introduction

ED22 board v1.png

  1. ED22 board reset 
  2. Target MCU reset
  3. Micro USB connector
  4. 10pin FFC connector

Reprogramming SWDAP

Step1: Install the last serial driver

Step2: Plug in micro USB to PC

  • Open the drive, and delete the file called "firmware.bin"
  • Download the required image from the table above (or built your own using DAPLink project)
  • Copy the .bin file onto the "CRP Disabled" drive.
    • On Windows, replace firmware.bin with the above firmware
    • On Linux/Mac, use command: dd if={new_firmware.bin} of={firmware.bin} conv=notrunc
  • Unplug your SWDAP, and plug it back in
  • It should now appear as a disk drive called DAPLink

You can re-program your SWDAP at any time by plugging it in with the button held down. This will cause it to appear as the "CRP Disabled" drive, at which point you can follow the steps above.