ROS2 Suite Installaton

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Advantech ROS 2 Suite Installer

  Advantech ROS 2 Suite Install provides a consistent experience for Advantch edge platforms ( eg. Intel, ARM - NXP iMX8 and NVIDIA Jetson ). User can easy to install and set up your ROS 2 environment and quick to start your devlopment ros application ( example: AMR, AGV, Fleet Management ... ).

ROS2 Suite Smart Installer-1.1.jpg


Package List


Item Name Description Note
ROS 2.0 Foxy Fitzroy ROS2 Suite foxy fitzroy.png Release date: June 5th, 2020
EOL date:May 2023
DDS Fast-DDS DDS provides a publish-subscribe transport which is very similar to ROS’s publish-subscribe transport.  
Node SUSI ROS Node Provide and control Advantech Hardware platform in DDS Topic and Action  
Utility rqt_graph rqt_graph provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS computation graph  
Utility MoveIt Motion Libaries for Motion planning, manipulation, 3D perception, kinematics, control, and navigation  
Utility RViz 3D visualization tool for ROS.  
cmd tool rosdep rosdep is a command-line tool for installing system dependencies  


Install command

$ tar zxfv adv-ros2-suite-installer-<version>.tar.gz
$ sudo ./



Index Version Date Platforms OS Release Note Download 
    1 1.1.0   EPC-R3720

