EIS Service SDK

Revision as of 07:54, 3 July 2017 by Eric.liang (talk | contribs)
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Service Return Code

typedef enum {                                                        
    SV_ER_NOT_IMPLEMENT                = -13,   /*        Does Not Support this command        (501)        */
    SV_ER_TIMEOUT                      = -12,   /*        Request Timeout                      (408)        */
    SV_ER_SYS_BUSY                     = -11,   /*        System is busy                       (503)        */
    SV_ER_VALUE_OUT_OF_RNAGE           = -10,   /*        Value is out of range                (416)        */
    SV_ER_SYNTAX_ERROR                 =  -9,   /*        Format is correct but syntax error   (422)        */
    SV_ER_FORMAT_ERROR                 =  -8,   /*        Format error                         (415)        */
    SV_ER_REQUEST_ERROR                =  -7,   /*        Request error                        (400)        */
    SV_ER_RESOURCE_LOSE                =  -6,   /*        SenHub disconnect                    (410)        */
    SV_ER_RESOURCE_LOCKED              =  -5,   /*        Resource is in setting               (426)        */
    SV_ER_NOT_FOUND                    =  -4,   /*        Resource Not Found                   (404)        */
    SV_ER_WRITE_ONLY                   =  -3,   /*        Read Only                            (405)        */
    SV_ER_READ_ONLY                    =  -2,   /*        Write Only                           (405)        */
    SV_ER_FAILED                       =  -1,   /*        Failed                               (500)        */
    SV_OK                              =   0,   /*        Success                              (200)        */
    SV_INITILIZED                      =   1,   /*        Library had initilized                            */

Service Status

typedef enum
    SV_UNINIT = 0,
    SV_INIT   = 1,
    SV_JOINED = 2,
    SV_LEAVED = 3,

Service Event

Callback Function

typedef SV_CODE (SVCALL *Service_Cb) ( SV_EVENT e, char *ServiceName, void *inData, int dataLen, void *pUserData )

Service Event Type

typedef enum
    SV_E_JoinServiceSystem       = 0, // Connected to the Service System
    SV_E_LeaveServiceSystem      = 1, // Disconnected from the Service System
    SV_E_RegisterService         = 2, // Registed a new Service ( ex: HDD_PMQ Plugin )
    SV_E_DeregisterService       = 3, // Deregisted a Service
    SV_E_UpdateServiceCapability = 4, // Update Service's Capability
    SV_E_UpdateData              = 5, // Update Service's data value
    SV_E_ActionResult            = 6, // Reply Message of Get / Set
    SV_E_EventNotify             = 7, // EventNotify


e ServiceName inData dataLen pUserData
"" 0 point of user data
"" 0 point of user data
InfoSpec of Service refer to SenHub
Length of data
point of user data
"" 0 point of user data
InfoSpec of Service refer to SenHub
Length of data
point of user data
data value of Service refer to SenHub
Length of data
point of user data
result of action
Length of data
point of user data
event notify refer to 
Length of data
point of user data




Item Function Name Description
1 SV_Initialize Initialize the Service SDK
2 SV_Uninitialize
UnInitialize the Service SDK
3 SV_GetVersion
Get version of Service SDK
4 SV_GetServiceStatus
Get status of Service System
5 SV_Query_Service
Query All of Service Name
6 SV_GetCapability
Get Service's Capability
7 SV_AutoReportStart
Start Auto Report
8 SV_AutoReportStop
Stop Auto Report
9 SV_Action
Function for Get / Set Command

Initial & Uninitial 

SV_CODE SV_Initialize( Service_Cb fn, void *pInUserData )

  • Description:Initialize the Service SDK
  • Parameter:

           Service_Cb     fn: point of callback function

            void* pInUserData: user data will pass when callback

  • Return value:

           SV_CODE  - SV_OK                : Successful
                                SV_ER_FAILED  : Failed to call

  • History:   06/26/2017 Modified

SV_CODE SV_Uninitialize( );

  • Description: UnInitialize the Service SDK
  • Parameter: NONE
  • Return value:

           SV_CODE  - SV_OK                : Successful
                                SV_ER_FAILED  : Failed to call

  • History:   06/26/2017 Modified


SV_CODE SV_GetVersion(char *outVersion, int bufSize ); 

  • Description: Get version of Service SDK
  • Parameter:

      - char * outVersion (out): point of result buffer size ( recomd: 128 bytes ) =>v1.0.1
      - int    bufsize     (in): max size of buffer

  • Return value:

        SV_CODE  - SV_OK               : Successful
                           - SV_ER_FAILED: Failed to call

  • History:   06/26/2017 Modified
  • Example

                 outVersion: "v1.0.1"

SV_STATUS SV_GetServiceStatus( );

  • Description: Get status of Service System
  • Parameter:


  • Return value:

                  SERVICE_STATUS - SV_UNINIT: SDK NOT Initilize
                                                  - SV_INIT     : Init Status
                                                  - SV_JOINED: Joined to Service System
                                                  - SV_LEAVED: Leaved from Service System

  • History:   06/26/2017 Modified

SV_CODE SV_Query_Service( char *outBuf, int bufSize );

  • Description: Query All of Service Name
  • Parameter:

            - char * outBuf  (out):  point of result buffer size ( recomd: 1024 bytes ) => { "Service":{"e":[{"n":"HDD_PMQ},{"n":"Modebus"}] }

            - int     bufsize      (in):  max size of buffer

  • Return value:

           SV_CODE  - SV_OK               : Successful
                               - SV_ER_FAILED: Failed to call

  • History:   06/26/2017 Modified
  • Example:

              outBuf=> {"Service":{"e":[ ] }} or {"Service":{"e":[{"n":"HDD_PMQ},{"n":"Modebus"}]}}

Function for Service

SV_CODE SV_GetCapability( const char *ServiceName, char *outBuffer,  int bufSize )

  • Description: Get Service's Capability
  • Parameter:

           - const char * ServiceName (in):    Service Name => HDD_PMQ

           - char *            outBuffer     (out):     buffer point for Service's Info Spec ( Recommend:4096 characters )

           - int                  bufSize            (in):     Max buffer size ( Recommend: 4096 ) 

  • Return value:

           SV_CODE  - SV_OK               : Successful
                               - SV_ER_FAILED: Failed to call

  • History:   06/26/2017 Modified
  • Example:

            ServiceName : HDD_PMQ

             outBuffer : Capability of Serice refer to InfoSpec of SenHub

SV_CODE SV_AutoReportStart( const char *ServiceName , char *inData, int inDataLen  );

  • Description: Start Auto Report
  • Parameter:

           - const char * ServiceName (in):    Service Name => HDD_PMQ

           - char *                      inData (in):     Start JSON Data

           - int                      inDataLen (in):     Data Length

  • Return value:

           SV_CODE  - SV_OK               : Successful
                               - SV_ER_FAILED: Failed to call

  • History:   06/26/2017 Modified
        "catalogID": 4,
        "commCmd": 2053, //general_start_auto_upload_req
        "autoUploadIntervalSec": 30

SV_CODE  SV_AutoReportStop( const char *ServiceName, char *inData, int inDataLen );

  • Description: Stop Auto Report
  • Parameter:

           - const char * ServiceName (in):    Service Name => HDD_PMQ

           - char *                      inData (in):     Start JSON Data

           - int                      inDataLen (in):     Data Length

  • Return value:

           SV_CODE  - SV_OK               : Successful
                               - SV_ER_FAILED: Failed to call

  • History:   06/26/2017 Modified
  • Example:

            ServiceName : HDD_PMQ

             inData :

    "susiCommData": {
        "catalogID": 4,        
        "commCmd": 2056, //general_stop_auto_upload_req


                 Topic: /cagent/admin/<devID>/agentcallbackreq

        "catalogID": 4,
        "commCmd": 2054, //general_start_auto_upload_rep

SV_CODE SV_Action( const char *ServiceName , char *szAction,  void *pUserData );

  • Description: Action function for Get / Set Command
  • Parameter:

           - const char * ServiceName (in) :    Service Name => HDD_PMQ

            - char *                     szAction (in) :    Action Command with JSON

            - void *                 pUserData ( in):    User data will return when result is callbacked

  • Return value:

           SV_CODE  - SV_OK               : Successful
                               - SV_ER_FAILED: Failed to call

  • History:   06/26/2017 Modified
  • Example:

            ServiceName : HDD_PMQ




                 Topic: /cagent/admin/<devID>/agentactionreq
