IoTGateway/Node-Red for GW EIS
Node-RED is a visual wiring tool for the Internet of Things and is provided by IBM Emerging Technologies. Node-Red has several features, including browser-based flow editing, built on Node.js and social development. Because of browser-based, the user can use it more easily. Node-Red is based on Node.js, so user can use its nodes by using JavaScript. Node-Red also have many active communities. If the user finds bugs, he can find a solution and fix it easily. The user can use JSON format string to import or export the created flow easily.
A lot of useful nodes are provided by Advantech NodeRed Server IoTGateway installer, including node-red-contrib-flow-dispatcher, node-red-contrib-susi and node-red-contrib-virtual-app-node. In this section, we are gonna introduce another two node groups, ui-flow-creator and WISE-PaaS-RMM. ui-flow-creator provides nodes to quickly, easily and automatically generate flows to represent dashboard for Advantech platforms supported by SUSIIoT. WISE-PaaS-RMM nodes make communications between NodeRED nodes and RMM agent can be easily achieved.
Node-Red Plug-ins Catogries
Category | Description | Nodes |
UI-Flow-Creator | Provid functions to auto-generate a flow with node-red-dashboard nodes to represent a device dashboard. UI-Flow-Creator nodes depend on node-susi and node-susiiot packages to read data and control devices. |
1.nr_ui_flow_creator 2.ui_ui_creator_ctrl |
WISE-PaaS-RMMprovides nodes to communicate with RMM Agent. Sending data to agent, receiving messages from agent and response RMM RESTful requests. |
1.WISE-PaaS-RMM-Sender |
NodeRed Plug-ins Description
Node Name | Description | Input | Output |
nr_ui_flow_creator | Auto-generate flow with node-red-dashboard nodes to represent the device dashboard according to user selected groups. Require node-susi and node-susiiot packages. |
Auto-generated an inject node after flow deployment. | Auto-generated outputs according to user selected groups after flow deployment. |
nr_ui_creator_ctrl | Control devices according injected values . Require node-susi and node-susiiot packages. |
SUSIIoT control information in 'topic' propery and control value in 'payload' property. | Control result returned by SUSIIoT. |
WISE-PaaS-RMM-Sender |
Send injected IPSO JSON string to RMM agent. |
A string in 'payload' property which will be passed to RMM agent. |
None |
WISE-PaaS-RMM-Receiver |
Receive messages from RMM agent with specified name and topics. |
None | The received message (or RESTful request) from RMM agent is included in 'req' property. |
WISE-PaaS-RMM-Responder |
Response RESTful requests. The injected data must contain the source request information. |
Source request is included in 'req' property and the corresponding response is in 'rep' property. | None |
Demo Video Clips
Video Demo Title | Link |
NodeRED server IoT gateway installation and demonstration |
link |