Advantech EdgeSense
EdgeSense is a Advantech software stack on Edge site. EdgeSense adapots MicroService software architecture as Figure 1. There are three main service categories 1. Southbound, 2. MQTT Broker, 3. Northbound services.
It is easy to add / remove services for customization.
- Southbound: It collects managed enquirments with Modbus, OPC-UA, ODBC and wireless protocols. Southbound service converts sensor data to Adv-JSON format and sends to local MQTT Broker.
- MQTT Broker: MQTT broker as the asynchronous communication bus for Inter-service communication. Inter-service communication protocol base on MQTT standard and IETF (The Internet Engineering Task Force) defined media types for Sensor Makeup Language (SenML) in JSON format. User can follow EIS communication protocol or use Device ( for device's sensor ) or WSN-Device ( for Wireless Sensor Network ) SDK to integrate a new service with the EIS eco-system.
- Northbound: An agent (WISEAgent) connects to its Cloud solution ( e.g. WISE-PaaS/DeviceOn ). It receives southbound sensor data from MQTT Broker and transfers to cloud.
Figure 1. Software Architecture of EdgeSense
EdgeSense provides varies southbound and northbound services at edge. All of EdgeSense services's sensor data will be packed as AdvJSON data format and use the EdgeSense Protocol as standard communicate rotocol.
Southbound provides two SDK to integrate "Wire" (e.g. COM, RS-232... ) and "Wireless" ( e.g. LoRa, EnOcean...) devices.
- Wire : A stanard wire servic protocol (e.g. Modbus, OPC-UA, SNMP-NMS...) to get, set and transfer device's sensor data to MQTT broker by "Device SDK" ( C/C++ or Node.js ).
- Wireless: A wireless device management service to send register message for a wireless sensor hub device (e.g. lora, dust-link...) and transfer its sensor data to local MQTT broker with WSN-Device SDK ( C/C++ ).
Northbound agent (WISEAgent) receives data from MQTT broker ( - Wire devices ) or API-GW ( - Wireless sensor hub devices ) and transfer to Cloud ( e.g. WISE-PaaS/DeviceOn ).
How To
EdgeSense Southbound Services
User can use Advantech developed southbound services (e.g. Modbus, ODBC, OPC-UA, ReyLax LoRa ... ) to integrate with devices and applications easily. Please refer to EdgeSense_Portal ( at Software Solution Section ) for detail.
Developing a southbound service
User can easy to develop a new soouthbound service with EdgeSense SDK ( Device SDK or WSN-Device SDK ).
WSN-Device SDK
It is a layer to define the topology and behavior of sensor network. A complete device represented in WSN-Device SDK includes one virtual gateway, one sensor connectivity interface and several sensor devices. WSN-Device SDK provides a form-like array which we call it infospec array to define tha parameters of sensor device. And a form-like data array updates your real time data. So, you can easy to represent your device by creating several arrays.
Application: To integrate a new wireless sensor device ( e.g. bluetooth, lora...) with EdgeSense gateway and WISE-PaaS/DeviceOn. There is a wireless module card ( e.g. COM port ) at edge and these wirelss devices with uniquide device ID.